About Us
About Us
We are a strong team in the field of construction.
Founded in 2011, Al-Ola Contracting and Manufacturing is headquartered in Alexandria, Egypt.
Our Vision
Al-Ola Contracting and Manufacturing Company seeks to be the leader in providing innovative, effective and sustainable manufacturing solutions by employing the latest technologies and providing high-quality fiberglass products, with its full commitment to meeting customers’ needs and exceeding their expectations in the local and regional market.
We at Al-Ola Contracting and Manufacturing Company are committed to providing distinguished, high-quality services and products in the field of contracting and fiberglass manufacturing, with a focus on achieving customer satisfaction through continuous innovation, adherence to international standards, and reliance on a professional and qualified work team. We strive to promote sustainability and create added value for the community in which we operate
Quality Construction, Honest service, Great value!
We specialize in designing and manufacturing all kinds of marine works forms “Fiberglass – Metal”, and their shapes “X-Block – Tetrapods – Dolas – Curlock – Ecopod – Cube – Modified Cube – Cube – Hexapods – Antifer”, up to a weight of “43.200 tons” professionally.
Why Choose Us?
The first Egyptian company working in the field of construction with more than 15 years of experience
Our Customers
What Customers Think About Us?
"Sentiments two occasional affronting occasional affronting solicitude travelling and one contrasted. Fortune occasional affronting day out married parties. Happiness occasional affronting remainder joy occasional affronting but earnestly for off. Took sold add play may none him few. If as increasing Sentiments two occasional occasional affronting affronting solicitude traveling and one contrasted."
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Our Clients
- info@alola-egy.com
- Al-Asafra, 45 International Street, in front of Shahad Al-Malika – Alexandria, Egypt
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